
Four houseplants to remove mould, mildew and condensation

English ivy, peace lilies, palms and snake plants are all mould-busters.

Mould is a common problem in properties around the UK, particularly as the damp winter weather begins to set in. But there are some houseplants that can help reduce the risk.

When mould appears in your home or property, not only can it be unpleasant to look at, the build-up of fungus can also pose a risk to your health. The surprising solution, however, could be by adorning your home with houseplants.

They can also bring down humidity and moisture levels in the air through their leaves, which ultimately can reduce the risk of mould developing - particularly in rooms such as the bathroom or kitchen.

Research shows that rooms with plants can have anywhere from 40 to 60 percent fewer mould spores and bacteria.

But, not all plants are as effective in eliminating mould and mildew, which is why picking the right houseplant is crucial.

Here are three of the best houseplants for the job as chosen by The Daily Express.

English ivy


When it comes to tackling mould, English ivy is cited as one of the best plants.

The good news is, native to our home nation, this is a fairly low-cost leafy addition to your home.

Not only does English ivy remove airborne mould, it also removes other toxins, such as formaldehyde and benzene.

English ivy grows best in bright, indirect light, and its soil should be kept moist.

However, its leaves are toxic to animals and so pet owners should be sure to keep the plant out of reach.

Peace Lily

peace lily

These pretty plants not only add an aesthetic touch to your room, thanks to their stunning white flowers, their leaves are also excellent at removing moisture from the air.

Peace lilies are happy in the shade and grow best in high humidity areas.

Consequentially, these are also the areas most likely to be hit with mould.

Much like English ivy, though, peace lilies should be kept away from pets due to their toxicity levels.



You may be accustomed to seeing palms swaying in the breeze on holiday, so why not give your home a touch of the tropics by purchasing one.

Not only will a palm brighten up your room, but they are also a great choice when it comes to controlling humidity.

Palms can keep mould at bay by soaking up moisture through their leaves.

Some of the best varieties to opt for include the lady palm, dwarf palm and reed palm.

They prefer soil that is not too moist and not too dry and thrive in indirect sun.

Snake plants

snake plant

Snake plants are relatively easy to look after.

Not only do their leaves absorb humidity, but the plant itself is happy enough to be watered once every two weeks, making it a great starting plant for beginners.

During the winter months, plant parents can even get away with watering just once a month if they feel the soil is still moist after two weeks.

